(January 4, 2022) We have an update for our community regarding CEX listings and today's scheduled unlock to pre-salers and earl

04 Jan 2022, 17:00
(January 4, 2022) We have an update for our community regarding CEX listings and today's scheduled unlock to pre-salers and early contributors. Yesterday, we flagged the possibility of a temporary delay in the tier 1 CEX listing targeted for today due to holidays in Asia. At this time, we can confirm there will not be a listing today. The prospect of the delay helped us to accelerate conversations with two other top flight exchanges about an imminent listing, and we may opt to make a simultaneous listing by the end of next week. For context, the three exchanges fall within the top 7 of CoinMarketCap's exchange score listing system, and one is a long-standing partner of Beyond Protocol's. Despite the delay in listings, we feel it is critical to make good on our commitments. We plan to release tokens to presalers today around 11:30pm PST in one transaction and move forward with OTC arrangements with WinterMute, our tier 1 market maker and OTC partner. In addition, the overwhelming majority of the community who've opted to stake -- and the amount is unprecedented -- will receive their staked assets. WinterMute will be supporting our upcoming tier 1 listings with significant liquidity. They do not support the current footprint of smaller volume exchanges which list Beyond Protocol. Community members should be mindful of this when trading tokens. At current liquidity levels, we recommend any community members seeking to buy or sell any material amount of tokens (e.g. $1,000+) email us at otc@beyond.link to determine if an off-exchange transaction is possible prior to our listing on tier 1 exchanges. For those receiving unlocked tokens today, this will support the value of tokens in future unlocks. Finally, Beyond Protocol and its partners support the most recent week's weighted average trading price as normative and look skeptically to any price which might be observed without the support of sufficient liquidity to support organic price discovery -- be it high or low. In early stage technology ventures, especially in the hyperspeed space of crypto and blockchain, perfect conditions are rarely met. What sets organizations, communities, and people apart -- what determines the stock of any individual or entity -- if they are winners, if they can do what they set out to do over a long period of time -- is how they react to adversity. Based on Beyond Protocol's history, we have shown we can weather any storm and achieve what we set out to achieve. Whatever happens, we are moving forward together to see our mission through -- to create the fabric of the new world.