(June 22, 2023) Please find the response to AMA questions submitted below. We filtered out any which were repetitive.

22 Jun 2023, 18:44
(June 22, 2023) Please find the response to AMA questions submitted below. We filtered out any which were repetitive. Q: Is there possibility to rebrand the BP and swap the BP token to new one?similar happened to other token like FEG and ALLIANCE BLOCK and more A: As the funding climate improves, we will evaluate different ways to continue to build out the BP ecosystem. Should we secure funding to develop a new digital asset, this would be possible. An example would be a human performance-focussed dApp along the lines of what was discussed in our AMAs at the beginning of the year. Q: Will there be a team to continue the project? A: Yes, the team is committed to continue to evaluate ways to build out the BP ecosystem as the funding climate improves. Q: Why was there not an announcement about the Huobi delisting? A: The Huobi delisting was discussed in the chat and Huobi made an announcement. We did not, however, pin an announcement in the chat. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused. Q: Will the token release schedule be put on hold as well, why or why not? A: Tokens will continue to be released per the initial schedule to honor existing obligations. Q: It is suspected that by early 2025 the markets should be thriving, what ideas and plans does the team have for raising enough capital fully develop, market and lunch mainnet? A: To-date, BP has developed novel technology for device-to-device communication. In addition to securing devices using a combination of hardware signatures and distributed ledger technology a standard we think will be part of the next era of cybersecurity best practice the tech allows for creation of decentralized apps on top of any combination of devices. IoT is experiencing significant growth - devices are becoming more sophisticated and increasingly a part of our day-to-day lives. Unfortunately, so are hacks. In seeking financing, our plan would be to highlight how our solution solves burning needs. We’d showcase through PoCs how it can be used immediately to remedy real world problems without significant resource requirements. Q: With development paused, and the project on hold for some time, how is the team going to make sure the core code of the project up to date? We do not anticipate the core code will be materially outdated by the time we evaluate seeking new funding. Any funding needed to update the existing code base will be included in the prospective operating plan. Q: With development paused, there is no reason for anyone to buy the the token, does the team have any ideas to keep the price stable? Our focus will be evaluating different ways to secure new funding to grow the BP ecosystem as funding conditions improve (If we are able to build a new part of the ecosystem, as noted, we'd bring the community along - this might be through a token swap and/or grant). We will do this irrespective of market price. Q: Is there a possibility of a DEX trading? Due to the regularity uncertainty surrounding digital assets in the USA, BP will not be able to provide liquidity to support DEX trading at this time. Q: Will the white paper, and road map be updated, and posted on the beyond website . Updates will be communicated to the BP Announcement Channel and carried over to the website as appropriate. Q: Will the CTO be a little more active on social media, and in the telegram chat? Denis's primary focus during the “batten down the hatches” phase will be to evaluate how to best position the technology and roadmap to secure funding. That having been said, he will participate on social media and Telegram as he is able and it helps in achieving this goal. Q: Are there plans to partner with the IEEE to seek help with finding/development? In evaluating different ways to fund the further development of the BP ecosystem, we will review all potential opportunities. Q: What are the short term and long term goals the team has set for this project given the barriers faced?